I don’t believe there has to be a special time of year to clean and get organized but I do like to go with the flow and use the energy and momentum that Spring brings.
Spring is a time of renewal; days are getting longer, the sun is coming out and so are the plants and animals. It is a good time to take stock and revise, clean, organize, shed and become reborn.
Our surroundings have a role in our health and therefore happiness. If we are wallowing in a state of dirtiness, clutter and disorganization, there is a good chance our minds will conform to that shape. It is not in most of our habits to declutter, organize and put everything in its rightful place all of the time. Therefore, setting some time aside to do this is necessary.
Becoming organized is even becoming a trend and for good reasons! There is even a Netflix series that took off: “Tidying up with Marie Kondo”, based on her home & life organization skills. Why? Not because it’s about cleanliness per se, but because of the real value it creates in people’s lives, the changes it inspires in them, and as she calls it “Spark joy”!
In taking this time it can often free up more time; less time to find things and more mental space too. Studies have shown that a clean environment reduces stress, something that most of us need!!
Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be exclusive to our closets and our drawers, what about the closets in our mind. How are we organizing ourselves, our thoughts, our feelings and our actions? Here is a link to a great website to take stock of where you might want to start to get organized and clean. https://www.thebigbiggoalsclub.com/assessments/cleansweep.php
When I took this survey, I realized my home was in need of some time and work. I had the thought if I started at home, it would help me feel mentally clearer to look at other places to “declutter”.
So where do we start? I asked my friend and Professional Organizer, Jodi Carter and owner of Breathing Space Consulting. These are the tips she had to share!
Tips for Spring Clearing:
- Decide WHY you want to declutter and organize. This will help at the end of the tasks whether you are hitting your goals.
- Set aside some time. Make sure you have time to finish at least one decluttering task. 20 minutes is a good amount of time to start with. It’s helpful to have excited energy and bring your WHOLE self to the project.
- Start sorting and purging the area that gives you the most unease.
- Only keep things you LOVE and USE.
- Assign a place and set up systems that work for everyone in your household. Some systems work well with you but, maybe not the others in the house. Most people can be trained for change 😉
- Contain your items. Most important is to make sure your stuff is organized LIKE with LIKE. Everything needs a home. I mean everything! Those little tiny screws, elastics and cords. They ALL need a home or discard them.
- Trust the process and trust yourself.
If you are feeling overwhelmed and finding it hard to declutter a certain item, take stock of the reason you started and take a big breath and make the decision. TRUST yourself. The item you are giving away can go to a good home.
Stuff can become a distraction. Even if you have the space to store it, it will always be the way. If you think you will need it one day – trust your decision. You can be resourceful and borrow that item or use something else in place. As a last resort, buy it again. But I can guarantee if you haven’t used it in a year – you won’t need it.
If you are needing help to get started consider hiring a Professional Organizer or ask a friend to help. You have a process, now get to work.
What have you got to lose? Set aside some time in your calendar and do it. Start with 20 minutes. I have never heard anyone say they regretted getting cleaner, organized or clearer. Know it’s going to feel great afterwards, and not only will you have a clean and organized home you will also have taken steps to become healthier and for anyone else living with you too! Well done!